# Helldiver 2 Input Configuration File The input settings file can be edited in any text editor. If you have cloud saves enabled it is here: `[Steam install directory]\userdata\[userid]\553850\input_settings.config` If you do not, then it is here: `%APPDATA%\Arrowhead\Helldivers2\saves\[steamid]_input_settings.config` Check the cloud save folder first, it is most likely there. ## READ FIRST Make a backup of the file before you start making changes, so you can revert more easily without losing your settings. Should you get stuck and be unable to boot the game, please report this (and attach your settings file) so we can make this more robust. Then delete the file to revert to defaults. You may need to briefly disable cloud saves if a broken file has been uploaded. ## Basic structure The config file is applied on top of the default values as an override. To reset to defaults simply delete the file. There are two main sections, The `settings` part, containing key-value pairs for the settings you can adjust, and the mappings groups, which map to the in-game menues for the input groups & bindings. To see examples of how to change something, alter the value in the in-game menues and then look at this file again. Should you mess something up, (backup and) delete the file to revert to defaults. ## Settings The available settings values are (and defaults): ``` // Number of frames over which to smooth mouse input (zero means no smoothing). Note that this applies to the _movement_, not the position! mouse_smoothing_frames = 3 // If set (per axis) the look axis is inverted _when aiming down sights_ for gamepads. gamepad_scope_inverted_x = false gamepad_scope_inverted_y = false // If set (per axis) the look axis is inverted _when aiming down sights_ for mice. mouse_scope_inverted_x = false mouse_scope_inverted_y = false // If set (per axis) the look axis is inverted for gamepads gamepad_inverted_x = false gamepad_inverted_y = false // If set (per axis) the look axis is inverted for mice mouse_inverted_x = false mouse_inverted_y = false // Gamepad look sensitivity in first component, vertical multiplier in second. // Range is any valid real value. gamepad_sensitivity = [5 0.6] // Mouse look sensitivity, range is any valid real value. mouse_sensitivity = [0.072 0.072] // If zero or exactly one, no acceleration is applied. // Otherwise, mouse movement is scaled by the following formula: // movement = movement_after_sensitivity ^ acceleration // Settings menu shows this value offset by 1, so the settings range of [0, 3] maps to [1, 4], // essentially cutting off the deceleration part of the curve. mouse_acceleration = 1.0 // The first value is the speed at which we accelerate. Zero means we do not apply acceleration at all. // The second value is the exponent applied to the acceleration rate. gamepad_acceleration = [0.7 3.0] // Multiplier of sensitivity while aiming gamepad_aim_sensitivity = 0.5 // Multiplier of sensitivity while aiming down sights gamepad_scope_sensitivity = 0.5 // Sensitivity of PlayStation controller touchpad when using this to move the map cursor ([0,1] range) touchpad_map_sensitivity = 0.5 // Multiplier of sensitivity while aiming mouse_aim_sensitivity = 1.0 // Multiplier of sensitivity while aiming down sights mouse_scope_sensitivity = 1.0 // Multiplier of sensitivity while scrolling map mouse_map_sensitivity = 1.0 // Size of gamepad deadzone (lower bound, absolute value, [0,1] range). deadzone = 0.1 // Disables the Steam input in-game warning when connecting a DualSense or DualShock controller while Steam input is ON. dont_warn_about_steam_input = false // Veteran mode toggle + scale (percentage of max observed input, [0,1] range). veteran_mode = false veteran_mode_scale = 0.8 // How much stickyness should there be to aiming with controllers when looking at enemies controller_sticky_aim = 0.5 // How strong the Dualsense adaptive triggers should be. [0,1] range, where 0 is disabling all trigger feedback. trigger_effect_strength = 1.0 // How strong the Dualsense haptics or conroller rumble should be. [0,1] range, where 0 is disabling all feedback. haptics_rumble_strength = 1.0 ``` ## Mappings When it comes to keybindings, we group each action in a category. If an action is in this file, all default bindings are replaced with the values here. This means if you wish to change only the keyboard mapping you will have to also keep the gamepad mappings here or they would be unbound. This is necessary so it's possible to completely unbind inputs for a device type, which is a valid use case. Each action can me mapped to many inputs/input combinations. Each mapping has a number of fields; ``` Mandatory fields: input: Name of the input. See the default bindings file, or experiment in-game and check the output. device_type: PadDS - Dualsense & Dualshock 4 PadXBOX - Xbox style conrollers (xinput) Keyboard Mouse Tablet TouchPanel SimulatedTouchPanel SynergyKeyboard SynergyMouse input_type: Button Axis trigger (for buttons): Pressed - Triggeres once on press, not again until after it has been released Released - Triggers on release Hold - Continuously triggers while pressed LongPress - Triggers once after having been pressed for a specified duration, then not again until released Tapped - Triggers if pressed and released within a specified interval RepeatInterval - Triggeres every [specified interval] seconds while pressed. trigger (for axes): Any - The maximmum value for any axis is used X - Any value on the first axis Y - Any value on the seconc axis Z - Any value on the third axis X+ - Any positive on the first axis Y+ - Any positive on the seconc axis Z+ - Any positive on the third axis X- - Any negative on the first axis Y- - Any negative on the seconc axis Z- - Any negative on the third axis Optional fields: threshold [default=0] (context sensitive): For axis triggers and button triggers "Pressed", "Released", and "Hold" this specifies the analog value threshold for the action to be triggered. These thresholds are _after_ deadzone normalization, so 0 == deadzone. For button triggers "LongPress" and "Tapped" this specifies the duration for which to hold or during which to press and release, respectively. For button trigger "RepeatInterval" this specifies the interval at which we repeat the trigger while the button is held. combine [default=None]: None - The input is considered "standalone" Overlap - This input, _and the next_ must be triggerd at the samme time for the action to be triggered. Values are the maximum magnitude between them. Chain - For the action to be triggerd, this input must be triggerd followed immediatly by the next (and no other) for it to trigger. ``` ### Input names Generally the naming convention is for the EN-US keyboard layout, but we recommend changing some input in the in-game settings to the input you want, and then checking how this is stored int he settings file. That way you don't have to guass that the keybind is called, and can be sure it will work. Because the mappings are applied as a delta you cannot see the list of available bindings in the file. We've attached these below, as well as their default values, to allow changes to mappings that are not accessible in the menu. ### Examples Some typical configurations that might be useful to easily copy-paste into the bottom of your input saves: To stop backspace from opening the menu (note that escape is a different bind for techincal reasons, so this simply removes the backspace bind and leaves the gamepad defaults): ``` Menu = { ToggleMenu = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "Options", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxStart", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] } ``` To rebind the Z button so it does not open the orders menu for azerty users, change the "z" below to the button of your choice. ``` Menu = { SubcategoryPrev = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "L2", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxLeftTrigger", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "z", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }]} } ``` To rebind the R button so it does not open the acquisition menu, change the "r" below to the button of your choice. ``` Menu = { ExtraOption2 = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "Square", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxX", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "r", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] } ``` ### Default bindings ``` Menu = { Up = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "DUp", trigger = "RepeatInterval", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxUp", trigger = "RepeatInterval", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "up", trigger = "RepeatInterval", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "w", trigger = "RepeatInterval", threshold = 0.2 }] Down = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "DDown", trigger = "RepeatInterval", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxDown", trigger = "RepeatInterval", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "down", trigger = "RepeatInterval", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "s", trigger = "RepeatInterval", threshold = 0.2 }] Left = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "DLeft", trigger = "RepeatInterval", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxLeft", trigger = "RepeatInterval", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "left", trigger = "RepeatInterval", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "a", trigger = "RepeatInterval", threshold = 0.2 }] Right = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "DRight", trigger = "RepeatInterval", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxRight", trigger = "RepeatInterval", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "right", trigger = "RepeatInterval", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "d", trigger = "RepeatInterval", threshold = 0.2 }] AxisUp = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "LeftStick", trigger = "Y+", threshold = 0.7 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxLeftStick", trigger = "Y+", threshold = 0.7 }] AxisDown = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "LeftStick", trigger = "Y-", threshold = 0.7 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxLeftStick", trigger = "Y-", threshold = 0.7 }] AxisLeft = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "LeftStick", trigger = "X-", threshold = 0.7 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxLeftStick", trigger = "X-", threshold = 0.7 }] AxisRight = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "LeftStick", trigger = "X+", threshold = 0.7 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxLeftStick", trigger = "X+", threshold = 0.7 }] Back = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "Circle", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxB", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "escape", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Button", input = "MouseButtonRight", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] Select = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "Cross", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxA", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Button", input = "MouseButtonLeft", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "space", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "enter", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] Social = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "R3", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxRightThumb", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "o", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] ExtraOption1 = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "Triangle", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxY", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "tab", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] ExtraOption2 = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "Square", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxX", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "r", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] ExtraOption3 = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "L3", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxLeftThumb", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "t", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] ExtraOption4 = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "L3", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxLeftThumb", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Button", input = "MouseButtonMiddle", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] CategoryNext = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "R1", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxRightShoulder", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "e", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] CategoryPrev = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "L1", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxLeftShoulder", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "q", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] SubcategoryNext = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "R2", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxRightTrigger", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "c", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] SubcategoryPrev = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "L2", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxLeftTrigger", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "z", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] CursorRight = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "LeftStick", trigger = "X+", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxLeftStick", trigger = "X+", threshold = 0.0 }] CursorLeft = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "LeftStick", trigger = "X-", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxLeftStick", trigger = "X-", threshold = 0.0 }] CursorUp = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "LeftStick", trigger = "Y+", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxLeftStick", trigger = "Y+", threshold = 0.0 }] CursorDown = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "LeftStick", trigger = "Y-", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxLeftStick", trigger = "Y-", threshold = 0.0 }] Rotate = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "RightStick", trigger = "X+", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxRightStick", trigger = "X+", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Button", input = "MouseButtonMiddle", trigger = "Press",threshold = 0.0 }] RotateRight = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "RightStick", trigger = "X+", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxRightStick", trigger = "X+", threshold = 0.0 }] RotateLeft = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "RightStick", trigger = "X-", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxRightStick", trigger = "X-", threshold = 0.0 }] RotateUp = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "RightStick", trigger = "Y+", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxRightStick", trigger = "Y+", threshold = 0.0 }] RotateDown = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "RightStick", trigger = "Y-", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxRightStick", trigger = "Y-", threshold = 0.0 }] ReadyUp = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "Touchpad", trigger = "Tap", threshold = 0.3 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxBack", trigger = "Tap", threshold = 0.3 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "enter", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.2 }] Zoom = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "RightStick", trigger = "Y", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxRightStick", trigger = "Y", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseWheel", trigger = "Y", threshold = 0.2 }] ZoomIn = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "RightStick", trigger = "Y+", threshold = 0.5 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxRightStick", trigger = "Y+", threshold = 0.5 }, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseWheel", trigger = "Y+", threshold = 0.5 }] ZoomOut = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "RightStick", trigger = "Y-", threshold = 0.5 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxRightStick", trigger = "Y-", threshold = 0.5 }, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseWheel", trigger = "Y-", threshold = 0.5 }] Scroll = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "RightStick", trigger = "Y", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxRightStick", trigger = "Y", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseWheel", trigger = "Y", threshold = 0.2 }] WarbondOverviewScroll = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "RightStick", trigger = "Y", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "LeftStick", trigger = "Y", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxRightStick", trigger = "Y", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxLeftStick", trigger = "Y", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseWheel", trigger = "Y", threshold = 0.2 }] ScrollHorizontal = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "RightStick", trigger = "X", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxRightStick", trigger = "X", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseWheel", trigger = "X", threshold = 0.2 }] MouseScroll = [{ device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseWheel", trigger = "Y", threshold = 0.2 }] MoveCursor = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "LeftStick", trigger = "Any", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxLeftStick", trigger = "Any", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseMovement", trigger = "Any", threshold = 0.0 }] MouseCursorAbsolute = [{ device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseCursor", trigger = "Any", threshold = 0.0 }] InspectItem = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "R2", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxRightTrigger", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "left ctrl", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] ItemInfo = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "Triangle", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxY", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "tab", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] ToggleMenu = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "Options", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxStart", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "backspace", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] KeyboardToggleMenu = [{ device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "escape", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] CloseWheelMenu = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "R3", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxRightThumb", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Button", input = "MouseButtonRight", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] SelectHeaderTab1 = [{ device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "1", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] SelectHeaderTab2 = [{ device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "2", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] SelectHeaderTab3 = [{ device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "3", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] SelectHeaderTab4 = [{ device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "4", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] SelectHeaderTab5 = [{ device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "5", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] SelectHeaderTab6 = [{ device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "6", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] SelectHeaderTab7 = [{ device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "7", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] SelectHeaderTab8 = [{ device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "8", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] OpenChat = [{ device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "enter", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxBack", trigger = "LongPress", threshold = 0.3 }, { device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "Touchpad", trigger = "LongPress", threshold = 0.3 }] InvitePopupAccept = [{ device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "y", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "Cross", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxA", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.2 }] InvitePopupDecline = [{ device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "n", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "Circle", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxB", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.2 }] InvitePopupModifier = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "DLeft", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxLeft", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 }] } Map = { MoveRight = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "DRight", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0}, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxRight", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0}, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseMovement", trigger = "X+", threshold = 0.0}] MoveLeft = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "DLeft", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0}, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxLeft", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0}, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseMovement", trigger = "X-", threshold = 0.0}] MoveUp = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "DUp", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0}, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxUp", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0}, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseMovement", trigger = "Y-", threshold = 0.0}] MoveDown = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "DDown", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0}, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxDown", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0}, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseMovement", trigger = "Y+", threshold = 0.0}] ZoomIn = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "R1", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0}, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxRightShoulder", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0}, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseWheel", trigger = "Y+", threshold = 0.0}] ZoomOut = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "L1", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0}, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxLeftShoulder", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0}, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseWheel", trigger = "Y-", threshold = 0.0}] PlaceMarker = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "Cross", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0}, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxA", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0}, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Button", input = "MouseButtonLeft", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] } Avatar = { MoveLeft = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "LeftStick", trigger = "X-", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxLeftStick", trigger = "X-", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "a", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 }] MoveRight = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "LeftStick", trigger = "X+", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxLeftStick", trigger = "X+", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "d", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 }] MoveForward = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "LeftStick", trigger = "Y+", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxLeftStick", trigger = "Y+", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "w", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 }] MoveBack = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "LeftStick", trigger = "Y-", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxLeftStick", trigger = "Y-", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "s", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 }] LookRight = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "RightStick", trigger = "X+", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxRightStick", trigger = "X+", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseMovement", trigger = "X+", threshold = 0.0 }] LookLeft = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "RightStick", trigger = "X-", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxRightStick", trigger = "X-", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseMovement", trigger = "X-", threshold = 0.0 }] LookUp = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "RightStick", trigger = "Y+", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxRightStick", trigger = "Y+", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseMovement", trigger = "Y-", threshold = 0.0 }] LookDown = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "RightStick", trigger = "Y-", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxRightStick", trigger = "Y-", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseMovement", trigger = "Y+", threshold = 0.0 }] Aim = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "L2", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxLeftTrigger", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Button", input = "MouseButtonRight", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 }] Fire = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "R2", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxRightTrigger", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Button", input = "MouseButtonLeft", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 }] Reload = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "Square", trigger = "Tap", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxX", trigger = "Tap", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "r", trigger = "Tap", threshold = 0.2 }] Use = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "Cross", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxA", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "e", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 }] Crouch = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "Circle", trigger = "Tap", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxB", trigger = "Tap", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "c", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] Prone = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "Circle", trigger = "LongPress", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxB", trigger = "LongPress", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "z", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] Climb = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "Cross", trigger = "LongHold", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxA", trigger = "LongHold", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "space", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 }] Sprint = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "L3", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxLeftThumb", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "left shift", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 }] Dodge = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "Circle", trigger = "DoubleTap", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxB", trigger = "DoubleTap", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "left alt", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] Melee = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "R3", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxRightThumb", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "f", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] ChangeEquipmentContextSensitiveShort = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "Triangle", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxY", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] ChangeEquipmentContextSensitiveLong = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "Triangle", trigger = "LongPress", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxY", trigger = "LongPress", threshold = 0.2 }] ChangeEquipmentQuickGrenade = [{ device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "g", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 }] ChangeEquipmentPrimary = [{ device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "1", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] ChangeEquipmentSecondary = [{ device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "2", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] ChangeEquipmentSupport = [{ device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "3", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] ChangeEquipmentGrenade = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "DRight", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxRight", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "4", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] SwitchAimMode = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "R3", trigger = "Tap", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxRightThumb", trigger = "Tap", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Button", input = "MouseButtonMiddle", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] CameraSwitchSide = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "DDown", trigger = "LongPress", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxDown", trigger = "LongPress", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Button", input = "MouseButton4", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] Map = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "Touchpad", trigger = "Tap", threshold = 0.3 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxBack", trigger = "Tap", threshold = 0.3 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "tab", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] WeaponFunctionUp = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "DUp", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxUp", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseWheel", trigger = "Y+", threshold = 0.0 }] WeaponFunctionDown = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "DDown", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxDown", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseWheel", trigger = "Y-", threshold = 0.0 }] WeaponFunctionLeft = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "DLeft", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxLeft", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Button", input = "MouseButtonLeft", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] WeaponFunctionRight = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "DRight", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxRight", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Button", input = "MouseButtonRight", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] BackpackFunction = [{device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "5", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "DDown", trigger = "Tap", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxDown", trigger = "Tap", threshold = 0.2 }] WeaponFunctionOpen = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "Square", trigger = "LongPress", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxX", trigger = "LongPress", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "r", trigger = "LongPress", threshold = 0.2 }] DropOpen = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "DDown", trigger = "LongPress", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxDown", trigger = "LongPress", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "x", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] QuickStim = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "DUp", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxUp", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "v", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] } Player = { NagForRespawn = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "Cross", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxA", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "space", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] CommunicationWheelOpenBasic = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "R1", trigger = "LongPress", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxRightShoulder", trigger = "LongPress", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "q", trigger = "LongPress", threshold = 0.2 }] Emote = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "DLeft", trigger = "LongPress", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxLeft", trigger = "LongPress", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "b", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0 }] CommunicationSpot = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "R1", trigger = "Tap", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxRightShoulder", trigger = "Tap", threshold = 0.2 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "q", trigger = "Tap", threshold = 0.2 }] RadialMenuRight = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "RightStick", trigger = "X+", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxRightStick", trigger = "X+", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseMovement", trigger = "X+", threshold = 0.0 }] RadialMenuLeft = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "RightStick", trigger = "X-", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxRightStick", trigger = "X-", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseMovement", trigger = "X-", threshold = 0.0 }] RadialMenuUp = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "RightStick", trigger = "Y+", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxRightStick", trigger = "Y+", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseMovement", trigger = "Y-", threshold = 0.0 }] RadialMenuDown = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Axis", input = "RightStick", trigger = "Y-", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Axis", input = "XboxRightStick", trigger = "Y-", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseMovement", trigger = "Y+", threshold = 0.0 }] DialogueSkip = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "Cross", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxA", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "space", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] VoicePushToTalk = [{ device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "caps lock", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 }] SpectateNext = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "DRight", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxRight", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "d", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] SpectatePrevious = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "DLeft", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxLeft", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "a", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] } Stratagem = { Start = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "L1", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxLeftShoulder", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "left ctrl", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 }] Left = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "DLeft", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxLeft", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "a", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] Right = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "DRight", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxRight", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "d", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] Up = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "DUp", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxUp", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "w", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] Down = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "DDown", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxDown", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "s", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }] } Vehicle = { FireDualWieldLeft = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "L2", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxLeftTrigger", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Button", input = "MouseButtonLeft", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 }] FireDualWieldRight = [{ device_type = "PadDS", input_type = "Button", input = "R2", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "PadXBOX", input_type = "Button", input = "XboxRightTrigger", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 }, { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Button", input = "MouseButtonRight", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 }] } ```